Saturday, April 21, 2012

More on Bach Concerto Competition

Carolyn Broe
3:20 PM (18 hours ago)
to meLindaDorothyArizonaEastcalendarShowUp.comUUCPcalendar
Hi Media Professionals,

The Four Seasons Orchestra's Bach Concerto Competition on Saturday April 14th was a huge success.  We have six talented young winners this year.  They will be performing with the Four Seasons Orchestra on our season finale concert on Saturday May 19th at 7:30 PM at ASU Kerr Cultural Center in Scottsdale.  Here is a list of the Bach Competition Winners for your publication.  They are aged between 12 and 20 years young and all performed brilliantly at our competition. They will be performing selections from J.S. Bach's Concerto for Two Violins in D Minor; J.C. Bach's Concerto for Viola in C Minor; and J.S. Bach's Concerto for Violin in A Minor.  The competition winners will be accompanied by the Four Seasons Orchestra conducted by Carolyn Broe.  Tickets to this event will be only $15 for seniors/students and $18 for adults.  Tickets may be purchased by contacting the ASU Kerr Box Office 480 596-2660 or online at or in person at the ASU Kerr Center at 6110 N. Scottsdale Road, Scottsdale, AZ 85253.

I am also sending you a flier with all of the information for our "Arizona Profiles" Music of Louise Lincoln Kerr CD release on May 19th at the Bach and Kerr Concert.  "Arizona Profiles" is an official Arizona Centennial Legacy Project.  This will be the very first CD ever produced of L.L. Kerr's music.  We will also be performing some of Kerr's beautiful Southwest Impressionist chamber music live at this concert on May 19th by members of the Four Seasons Orchestra.  This concert and CD project have been generously sponsored in part by The Arizona Commission on the Arts, The Scottsdale Cultural Council, The Arizona Lottery, The ASU Kerr Cultural Center, The Four Seasons Orchestra of Scottsdale, and Classics Unlimited Music.  The "Arizona Profiles" CD of Kerr's chamber music will be put on public display as part of the Arizona Centennial and then placed into the Arizona Historical Commission Archives for 100 years.  This time capsule will then be opened on February 14th 2112 as part of the bicentennial celebrations.  For more information about the Four Seasons Orchestra and Carolyn Broe please visit our website at .

Grand Champion Winner - Senior Division - Alexandra Birch - Violist
JC Bach Concerto for Viola - First Movement
First Place Winner - Senior Division  Adam Peterson - Violist
JC Bach Concerto for Viola - Second Movement
Second Place Winner - Senior Division- Megan Brundage - Violinist
JS Bach Concerto for Two Violins in D Minor - First Movement
Second Place Winner - Senior Division- Alexandra Birch - Violinist
JS Bach Concerto for Two Violins in D Minor - First Movement
Grand Champion Winner - Junior Division- Bobae Johnson - Violinist
JS Bach Concerto for Violin in A Minor - Third Movement
First Place Winner - Junior DivisionLinda Han - Violinist
JS Bach Concerto for Two Violins in D Minor - Third Movement
First Place Winner - Junior DivisionBobae Johnson - Violinist
JS Bach Concerto for Two Violins in D Minor - Third Movement
Second Place Winner - Junior Division- Ryan Grieser, Violist
JC Bach Concerto for Viola - First Movement

Thank you for printing this information in your Calendar section or Music and Arts Section of your newspaper or online media site.  We are a professional non-profit chamber orchestra in Scottsdale, and appreciate everything you do to support the arts.

Carolyn Broe
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Kerr CD ArizonaProfiles.jpgKerr CD ArizonaProfiles.jpg
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FSO Bach Concert  Flier May 19, 2012.docFSO Bach Concert Flier May 19, 2012.doc
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Kerr Article for IAWM 2004.docKerr Article for IAWM 2004.doc
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